Hear ye! Hear ye! The final day of VBS arrived! What better way to end than by looking at the theme of sacrifice? Queen Esther willingly risked her life, a sacrificial act, to save her people, and God used her to save the entire people of Israel. Christ was not only willing, but actually gave up His life to restore humanity’s relationship with God. It is because of this sacrifice that salvation is possible to all who believe and confess. So Christ called His disciples to sacrifice and to follow Him.
"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, 'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.'" Matthew 16:24
May each student remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and draw closer to Him!

Just as King Xerxes extended his scepter to spare Queen Esther’s life, the children snacked on pretzel rod and cookie butter scepters. They continued to review the day’s theme and verse as they rotated from class to class. During worship time, “Living Sacrifice” echoed through the walls of Calvary Castle. Children’s voices filled the air singing, “I will be a living sacrifice. All my heart and soul to glorify. I offer nothing less than all my life for Jesus Christ. I'll give You all, give You all of my worship. Fall fire; fall fire, fall come consume it.” During games children built towers in teams and had to protect them from the opposing teams’ aim- a great sacrifice for the good of the team. Crowns were decorated to remind students that they were part of the royal priesthood, Christ's own special people.
Worship & skit
Family Challenge
Read Esther 1-7 together to recap lessons on SACRIFICE from Day 5.