The VBS journey continued through the Calvary Castle by focusing next on Loyalty. Jonathan and David were loyal friends even in difficult trials; Jonathan showed he trusted David by giving him his armor and sword. David showed kindness to Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth because of his vows. The children learned that the most important friendship is with Jesus.
May the children show that same loyalty as they grow in their friendships with each other and their walks with Christ!

The children recited the memory verse they learned in the Armory as they went through the activities of the day: “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” -Proverbs 18:24. They learned about Daivd and Jonathan's friendship in the Chapel. Later, the children made and decorated swords out of paper in the Craft Courtyard to represent the sword that Jonathan gave to David as a sign of his loyalty. In the Banquet Room, the children snacked on guava and cream cheese crackers shaped like a shield to reflect the way that God and friends can act as a shield of protection, further displaying the day’s theme of loyalty. In the Tournament Field, each child partnered up with a friend to play Javelin Throw (one child would hold a hula hoop while the other attempted to throw a pool noodle through the center) and Capture the Flag; these team-oriented games gave the children a chance to put loyalty to practice. Finally, the musical minstrels provided a song to remind them of how a loyal, godly friendship helps in their walk with Christ! They sang, “Everyone of us needs someone, a friend to help us, lead us to Jesus. Whatever I got to be, I’ll be for you- I’m for you.”
Worship & skit
Family Challenge
Read 1 Samuel 13:14-23; 18; 20; John 17:20-23 together to recap lessons on Loyalty from Day 2.