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Writer's pictureChris Rodriguez

Mercy and Abundant Redemption • Psalm 130

Our experience on this fallen planet can lead us through pretty deep, dark valleys. Some of the deepest pits we can sink in to are the ones of our own making.

It would seem that the psalmist very much has his own failures in mind when he writes Psalm 130. He reminds himself and us that God hears our cries, even from the depths. When we repent, God does not mark our iniquities or our sins. He is a God who forgives. That’s the reason we fear Him — because our very lives hinge upon His unfailing mercies. As the psalmist pleads for God’s mercy, he waits patiently for God’s answer. If you’ve ever been at the mercy of another person’s will, especially the will of someone that you’ve treated in a wrongful way, you know how precarious of a situation that can be.

And yet all of us — each and every one of us — live in that very position before God. You may be acutely aware of your own shortcomings before the Lord. Remind yourself of His promises and repent of your sins. In God is abundant mercy and unfailing love. He will renew and restore those who come to Him with a broken and contrite heart. Don’t let an awareness of your own failures keep you from being forgiven and freed. He is a merciful God.

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