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Power and Mercy • Psalm 62

Writer's picture: CCMCCM

"God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: that power belongs to God. Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy; for You render to each one according to his work." Psalm 62:11-12

The formative years of David's life taught him quite a few invaluable lessons that he carried over to his long and prosperous reign. As he wrestled through the cruel, deceptive betrayal of some of the people closest to him, he settled on this reality in Psalm 62:11-12: All power and mercy belongs to God.

This truth is important to us for a few reasons. If we are in a powerless and desperate situation, we can humbly turn to God — the ultimate source of all power — and He will supply all our needs according to His riches and glory. It's also important because if we find ourselves to be in positions of power and to be the recipients of mercy, we need to remember that we will ultimately have to give an account to God for what we do with that power and mercy. Power should be used to glorify God and advance His kingdom; it should never be used for selfish gain or oppression. If God has given us mercy, he desires that we would extend His mercy towards others.

One day each of us will stand before God and give him an account for what we've done with the power and mercy that He has entrusted us with, and He will "render to each one according to his work."

Chris Rodriguez

Assistant Pastor

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