For some of us, it's so easy to become consumed with each day's challenges and failures that we neglect to remind ourselves of the victories and blessings that the Lord abundantly showers us with.
Gratitude is something we have to intentionally think about; but the Bible challenges us to take it one step further. Psalm 92 declares, "it is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, O Most High. To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning and Your faithfulness every night." Gratitude shouldn't just be on our minds, it should also be on our tongues. We ought to speak to one another, and to the Lord with words of gratefulness and song. We need to remember and commemorate the greatness of the God we serve and the goodness of His wonderful acts towards us; or we may be guilty of borderline blasphemous neglect on our part.
Gratitude shouldn't just be on our minds, it should also be on our tongues.
The truth of the matter is our lives are saying something, one way or another. If we neglect to speak of His goodness, our silence inadvertently speaks just as loudly — but the message that negligence speaks communicates falsehoods about God. Others may see our silence as an indicator of our dissatisfaction with God's faithfulness and provision.
God deserves more from us.
Although He is under no obligation to us at all, He has more than earned the right to hear our praises. We owe Him every good and perfect thing in our lives. He has never let us down. If it's been a while since you've spoken about His faithfulness, take some time to step into His presence and thank Him for His goodness today!